Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Brooklyn has spoken

It's a done deal. Brooklyn has made a statement. A BIG statement. The two days we've been to Brooklyn so far (December 8, January 6), were some of the best days we've ever had. Plus it's always nice weather when we go down there. So we're going to make this a tradition. Every first Saturday of the month, we'll be in Park Slope, on 7th Avenue and Carroll Street (at Key Foods).
Like all good rules, we start of course with a deviation of the rule. Our February day will be February 9th (Would anyone blame me for going to Belgium to celebrate my mom's 80th birthday on February 2nd??). Look here for the rest of the schedule.


Anonymous said...

Bravo! We'll be there to welcome you on your return.

Re: secret word for free dinges:
how about the first name of that venerable Belgian jazz harmoni-cat?

sysadminlog said...

We love you guys! I found your truck on Friday after working out at the local Y, and it was a great treat to eat your waffles. I can't wait til we are able to get it again.

Unknown said...

What time do you expect to be at the Park Slope location?

Unknown said...

What times?

Anonymous said...

can you come back to jersey city? please? you were leaving just as I was getting out of work!

Katarina said...

May your mother live another 80 years - we are fat and mellow in brooklyn - we can wait! Here we traditionally send our parents off to live in sub-tropical drug-infested communes, where they can be distracted by prepackaged foods and easily controlled by total lack of public transportation.
This way we can have ALL the waffles to ourselves - MWUAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

If Park Slope was such a success I was wondering if you'd give Williamsburg a try? A spot somewhere along McCarren park's west side (maybe at Union avenue & North 12th street) would probably be a great candidate for a monthly Saturday stop.

TODAY SHOW hosts the Waffle Guy

They don't make 'm anymore like that...