Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dear Jill Perrone

Here's a real letter from Jill...Our response is below.

hi wafels,
i read about your truck in foodandwine magazine and and made it my business to find a wafel. i need a wafel.i've been talking about wafels all summer. wafel was going to be the highlight of my day. and so, on my quest to find The Truck, you weren't where the website said you would be and the hotline locater was from yesterday :(
very upset.
what's going on?
but i won't give up
i need a wafel

Dear Jill,
Shame on us! Shame on us for not being there when you needed a waffle! The guts!
And that hot-wafel-line not being up to date...what's with that? We've fired our VP of the Customer-Hot-line-Call Center on the spot!
Jill, we feel your pain and offer our sincere apologies for your traumatic experience. Ever since we received your letter, we try hard to keep our hotline and twitter more up to date. Customers like you deserve a waffle - every day! Just for you, we're going to repeat the password of the day: "peregrination" will get you 1 free topping at the truck, just today. For tomorrow, check the hotline again because it will have changed.
Bye now Jill. We at the Wafels & Dinges truck love you. We admire your persistence and we can't wait till the day you actually find the truck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a common theme. We've got plenty of wafel fans at the office in midtown but we are always hesitating to go because we can never rely on your twitter updates, nor your phone messages. They are not always up to date. Why not invest in some kind of tracking technology?

TODAY SHOW hosts the Waffle Guy

They don't make 'm anymore like that...