Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A voice from the past

So we're walking down the "Kloosterstraat" in Antwerp, Belgium. A guy walks by and stares at me. As he passes, I turn around, and so does he. I say "SOETEWEY!" - he says "DEGEEST!".
We were classmates in high-school in the town of Leuven. Soetewey was considered a bit odd. Never a straight A student. His thing was guitar and jazz. He was going to be in the music business. No one believed him. We thought he smoked too much pot. We were all going to be engineers and lawyers. No one knew what Soetewey would end up doing.
And here he was - 20 years later. Soetewey is the same guy. Hasn't changed a bit. He followed his dream. That deserves RESPECT. I gave him my email address. And then he sent me this:

"Hi Tom. I just ran into you today in Antwerp. Just to be sure, I am sending you the link to our music. If you like the music and if you let your friends know about it, there may still be a small chance I can leave this tiny country (not doin' SO bad- :))


May the force of Belgium be in your waffles,

Carl Soetewey"

And I thought: "Can anyone but Soetewey come up with a line like that last line??" And more than that, his music is pretty damn good. Check it out.

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TODAY SHOW hosts the Waffle Guy

They don't make 'm anymore like that...